A scrapyard manager has been arrested after police in KwaZulu-Natal recovered stolen copper cables worth approximately R20 million. (Supplied/SAPS)
A scrapyard manager was arrested after KwaZulu-Natal police recovered stolen copper cables worth approximately R20 million on Martin Drive in Queensburgh on Wednesday.
This was confirmed by KwaZulu-Natal’s police spokesperson, Colonel Robert Netshiunda, who said intelligence information had led to the possibility of illegal activities at the scrapyard.
Netshiunda said an operation was planned, which was spearheaded by the Public Order Policing Unit.
On Wednesday morning, the operation, which also involved members of the Hawks, was executed and a large amount of copper was found.
“The eThekwini Municipality officials confirmed that the bulk of the stolen copper recovered belongs to the municipality,” said Netshiunda.
He said a 59-year-old man, who identified himself as the manager of the scrapyard, was detained.
After processing, the man will appear in court.
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This article was originally published by a www.news24.com . Read the Original article here. .