Please join us for a unique series of interregional online meetings, where leading experts will exchange cutting-edge experiences on the adaptation and implementation of WHO’s Multisectoral Accountability Framework to End TB (MAF-TB). The meetings will be held in October and November 2024, with the first meeting taking place on 10 October with the theme: “How to launch and initiate roll-out of MAF-TB in the country: practical recommendations and initial steps from around the world”. The event is organized by the TB Europe Coalition, the World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Programme and WHO’s Regional Office for Europe.
The online meetings will bring together representatives from ministries, national TB and HIV programs, civil society organizations (CSOs), communities, and other stakeholders from different regions to share their best practices and experiences on various aspects of multisectoral collaboration and accountability in their countries. During the first online meeting, you will explore practical aspects of initiating MAF-TB at the national level, including conducting baseline assessments. The meeting will be held in an interactive format, with opportunities for participants to ask questions, offer feedback, and share their experiences in launching the Multisectoral Accountability Framework and conducting MAF-TB assessments in their respective countries.
Please refer to the agenda below:
When: October 10, 2024, 11 am -12:30 pm (Central European Time, CET)
- Welcome – Yuliia Kalancha, Executive Director of the TB Europe Coalition
- Opening remarks – Dr. Tereza Kasaeva, Director, WHO’s Global TB Programme
- Scene-setter: 10 MAF-TB implementation steps and roles of other involved sectors – Dr. Sayohat Hasanova, Technical Officer, Joint TB, HIV, and Viral Hepatitis Programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe
- EECA countries’ experience. Conducting a baseline assessment according to three Annexes of the MAF-TB Checklist, including the qualitative research component – Lesia Tonkonog, Programme Manager, TB Europe Coalition
- Experience of Kyrgyzstan. Conducting a Baseline Assessment using Annex 2 of the MAF-TB Checklist: assessment results and plans for further realisation of recommendations – Natalia Shumskaya, Director, AFEW Kyrgyzstan
- Experience of Mongolia. Undertaking a MAF-TB assessment integrated into the National Tuberculosis Programme Review –Representative of National Tuberculosis Program, Mongolia (TBC)
- Interactive discussion
- Closing
Languages: English/Russian (simultaneous interpretation)
Financial support for the event is provided by the World Health Organization and the Stop TB Partnership/UNOPS.
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This article was originally published by a . Read the Original article here. .