” This is not merely an issue of bureaucracy; it is a failure of monumental proportions with implications for all citizens.” – Willie Aucamp MP
Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Willie Aucamp MP.
The admission from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) that it allowed serious flaws to enter the 2022 Census data, is a national scandal that strikes at the heart of our socio-economic planning.
Census 2022’s integrity has been compromised to such an extent that data related to income, employment, mortality and fertility will not be put in public domain even after the Census cost South Africa R2.3 billion of taxpayers’ money. This is not merely an issue of bureaucracy; it is a failure of monumental proportions with implications for all citizens.
Census data is the only source of baseline, benchmark population information on which all planning, from national government finances, to infrastructure, to boundaries and borders, to social services is based
For it to be wrong, is a brewing crisis.
The DA is therefore calling for the next census to be significantly brought forward and for a re-run of Census 2022 to take place. The flaws in the current census are too significant to be ignored or patched up with half-measures. We cannot afford to base our national planning on data that is fundamentally flawed.
Furthermore, the DA will be questioning StatsSA in the Portfolio Committee meeting scheduled for Friday, 23 August. We expect a thorough explanation of the damage control measures they intend to implement and how they plan to restore the integrity of our national data collection processes.
This debacle must serve as a hard lesson for StatsSA and all involved. Deviation from scientific norms and practices, lack of transparency, and the exclusion of our world-class academic community from critical processes have led to this disaster. The state cannot operate under the false belief that it knows best while sidelining expertise and sound methodology.
The DA will fight for our country’s future to be built on reliable data. South Africa deserves a census process that is transparent, accurate, and above reproach.
The whole census will need to be re-run.
This article was originally published by a www.da.org.za . Read the Original article here. .